Prep School Poetry Celebration

What a joy it was to see so many parents and siblings, albeit many behind masks, filling our Old Gym for the return of our “live” Poetry Celebration.

This is such a wonderful opportunity for the children and we are always full of admiration for the courage they show in embracing this challenge. Nerves were understandably running high, it has been a long time since many have had the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience - but they all did so well. There were moments of high drama and some very heart-warming performances.

As ever, we had a wonderful selection of poems: some delightful and perennial favourites from A A Milne, William Blake and J K Rowling, interspersed with light-hearted and entertaining ditties by Janet and Alan Ahlberg,  Kev Payne and Jack Prelutsky together with some true classics performed with energy and enthusiasm by the whole Year groups in both Year 4 and Year 6. It was also wonderful to hear the children performing poems in both Spanish and French: a real achievement!

It is impossible to single any one performance out – they all deserve huge congratulations. Many thanks must go to many of our teachers and to the parents too for all the support they gave in learning and practising their poems. We hope to see many of them back again next year!

Please click below to see Phoebe and Fleur's performance, sadly they couldn't perform on the night. 


KA, Head of English

Tagged  Prep