Marlborough House is proud of its reputation for providing outstanding pastoral care and being a school where each pupil is valued as a unique individual. 

Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent underpinned by an ethos of tolerance and respect

ISI Report

Many visitors comment on the happy, friendly atmosphere here and on the relaxed and yet purposeful relationships which exist between staff and pupils. There is no question that children with high self-esteem, who are essentially content and well-motivated, will work better.

The core of our pastoral system is embedded in our School values, 'Valuing Self and Others', and is the responsibility of the whole school community. The way we treat, talk to, interact with and indeed teach children are all key factors in achieving  the high quality of pastoral care at MHS.

The pastoral and academic progress of every pupil is monitored closely by each child's tutor. Assemblies, chapels and PSHEE sessions (Physical, Social, Health and Environmental Education) also provide regular opportunities to reinforce our school values. There is a strong House tradition and allegiance at our school which also gives children the opportunity to take on extra responsibilities under the guidance of the Heads of Houses and compete with their friends in others. We encourage every child to support his or her House by participating in as many activities as possible.

As we foster mutual tolerance and respect, discipline at Marlborough House is excellent. Children want to learn and they are clear about expectations in terms of how they treat one another.