Board of Governors

The role of the Governing Board is to determine the aims and overall conduct of the School, and to formulate and review the School’s strategic plans. While the day to day running of the School is delegated to the Head and the Bursar, supported by other members of the School’s Senior Management Team, ultimate responsibility for strategy, finances and policies lies with the Governing Board.

Much of the Board’s work is undertaken by four Committees, being the Finance & Property Committee, the Education Committee, the Health & Safety Committee and the Marketing Committee, each of which also meets at the School once a term. Governors also visit the School regularly in their own time to gain greater insight into its activities.

The quality of the governance is excellent

isi report

The Governors undertake their role on a voluntary basis and bring a wide variety of expertise to various school management forums.  From professional backgrounds in education, finance, property, law and general business, all of our governors are deeply committed to the continuing success and welfare of our School.  Several of the Governors are parents of children formerly at the School or were MHS pupils themselves . 

The Chairman of Governors (or any other Governor) can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors at the Trust's Registered Office at the School address:

Marlborough House School, High Street, Hawkhurst, Kent, TN18 4PY or by email via

If the matter is confidential to the Governors, the communication should be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the relevant Governor, c/o the Clerk to the Governors, at the above address and should be marked "Strictly Private and Confidential".

Find out more about our Governors below.
