Harvest Festival

Celebrations were led by a speech from the Head Girl and Head Boy, and each year group performed Harvest songs and poems; a beautiful selection. To watch the performances on the Parent Portal, please click here.

Many thanks to all the children for the wonderful selection of produce which was brought in to the school for Harvest Festival.

This year, we have decided to support our local community at Harvest time so, as well as supporting our usual charity (Nourish Foodbank), we will also be sending a large proportion of the food donations to the Hawkhurst Community Support Group, in conjunction with Hawkhurst Primary School.

Food for Families (F4F) is a local scheme that supports fifteen families in the village on low/no incomes.  The purchased and donated food is set out in the sports pavilion on The Moor once a week and families nominated by the Headteacher at Hawkhurst Primary are then invited to come and take what they need.  Sadly, the number of families in need of this service has grown in the last few months so we are very happy to be able to help.  A big thank you to Mrs Lucy Howells for liaising with the committee and for delivering the food.

Thank you for your generosity.

Tagged  Prep  Pre-Prep  Nursery