Snapshot Interview with Mrs Steph Willett

Our Staff Snapshot Interview this week is with Mrs Steph Willett, Year 1 teacher. 

What inspired you to be a teacher?  

From my earliest memory, without wavering, I have always wanted to teach.  To be in the classroom, to be with my class, no matter the country (I found classrooms in New Zealand, Russia and Ukraine), I have always taught. I would like to tell you that teaching is in my blood, but as a farmer’s daughter, I’m not sure how the teaching seed was planted (see what I did there…)   

What do you love most about teaching?  

The children. The laughing and the fact that you say and do things that would never cross your mind ordinarily. ‘Has anyone got a bag for the donkey poo?’, ‘Can you hold the balloon open and then push the chicken in?’.   

What were you like at school?  

Happy – a bit of a clown, but with the best of intentions. Oh, and sporty - not that my own children believe that.  Reading was tricky - but once I got going, my nose stayed in a book and has done ever since.  Maths didn’t make much sense to me …. but I've worked on it.     

What’s the funniest moment you’ve had in a classroom?  

We laugh every day.  Some days we laugh so much that I have to redo my make-up.  Children are joyful.     

What’s the most important lesson you can teach?  

To be yourself. You are perfect. Just. How. You. Are.  Apart from the bits that need tweaking, and we can work on those…  

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?  

Every year we see the children in our care taking their next steps of learning. They put the letters and sounds together and become readers and writers. Their achievements make me proud every day. I am proud to be a part of such a strong school team.    

What makes Marlborough House such a special place to be?  

All of us together. Oh and the trees. I do love the trees...

Quick-fire questions:  

School House: Go Hawkings!  

Club: Maypole Dancing Club, a.k.a. the Tangled Ribbon club

Unusual fact: I'm a Russian speaking campanologist   

Education and Skills: B. Ed Hons, MA (Education) completed during 7 years in Moscow and Kiev. Skill - walking downstairs with a book on my head (a requirement at finishing school …..but sadly never comes up in interview) 

Highlight of my day: I have been brought up with an ‘attitude of gratitude’ and so, to be honest, living and working with the people I live and work with makes most of every day perfect.   

The things I like: Radio 4, gardening, reading, friends, Badger our dog, tortoises. My family most of all.   

The things I don’t like: Electronics, computers, screens of any description. Spiders. Small spaces.   

Surprising fact: I have been employed twice by MHS. Once as Miss Clifton, before marriage and children, and then again a few years later, as Mrs Willett.        

Years at MHS: As above, sooooo long, four years from 2003 to 2007, then I left to get married and have my boys and returned in January 2010 - and I’ve stayed ever since!

It is my privilege to be a part of the MHS team.