Who doesn't love cakes? Every country in the world has special cakes that represent their culture, all different from each other and yet, or because of their difference, we appreciate them all.
Thank you to everyone who supported the European Day of Languages Bake-Off and Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising over £600 for the charity. We had a huge number of Europe-inspired bake-off entries and twelve wonderful winners who were each awarded a rainbow whisk.
The winners were: Florence B (R), Rory (Y4), Iona and James G (Y2), Emilia C (Y4), Molly S (Y4), Charlotte B (Y4), Isabella B (Y6), Cleo (6) and Suki M-C (PN) and Zoe (Y6) and Erin C (Y4). Very well done to them all.
Special thanks go to Mme De Haan, Head of MFL and the Friends of MHS for organising these much-loved events.