YEar 3 Victorian Day

Year 3 embraced their Victorian Day as they found out for themselves what life was like in a Victorian classroom. 

The day started with the children having a hand inspection to see if they were clean enough to start learning, before reciting the Lord’s prayer. They then had a crash course in the behaviour that was expected of them and they were soon sat in silence with hands flat on their desks.

They had a go at writing lines with chalk and experienced how difficult it could be. For their arithmetic lesson they used famous dates from the Victorian period to answer questions.  A terrible stench was renowned in Victorian times, so they learnt how to make a pomander to help take away the smell. Many children showed nimble fingers - and I’m sure they will soon be sent out to work in factories by their parents! The children re-enacted the famous scene from Oliver Twist and, with their wonderful costumes, were soon in character and a few of them seem a little hesitant asking for seconds at lunch!

In the afternoon they looked at L.S Lowry’s paintings and all took a section of a painting and had a go at recreating it. It was a great day which the children thoroughly embraced and they learned what life was like in a Victorian classroom.  Very well done to them all. 


Year 3 Teacher


Tagged  Prep