The Great Fire of London Workshop

The Great Fire of London workshop started with Year 2 watching as their cardboard houses burned, just as they would have done in 1666. An exciting start to the morning!

The children then moved into the Hopkins Hall to continue their morning of hands on learning about life in Stuart England. Having dressed up in 1666 style clothes to fully immerse themselves in the era, the children became involved in making clothes for the poor people who had lost their belongings in the fire - trying their hand at weaving in the process. They also made little scent bags which were very common at the time and helped to keep people healthy and happy.

Next up, Year 2 were given the task of making a candleholder; an essential item to enable them to see at night. Everyone enjoyed moulding the clay candleholders, which featured wells and handles. Using a quill and ink, the children wrote letters to King Charles II or decorated their own names. Finally, ornate fire plaques were designed and made by a process of printing on to foil. An enjoyable and busy day for the children with some wonderful feedback from all involved. 

Mrs Pay, Year 2 Teacher

Tagged  Pre-Prep