The ingredients for a perfect paella evening at MHS:
A big handful of Year 6 and 7 pupils,
three skilled teachers (2 of them chefs, almost cordons bleus!),
some spicy Spanish music,
a large outdoor classroom,
some bright sunshine,
some ice cold "bojitos",
a few bags of rice
and a kilo of chorizo.
What a delightful and sunny evening we had in early May by the Outdoor Classroom. Year 6 entertained us to a dance and sing along of "No se habla de Bruno" before we all played several energetic rounds of "Coge la bandera" (catch the flag). All were obviously quite thirsty after so much running and a drinking competition was very welcome. The bojitos pupils drank from are made of clay and are, in effect, evaporative coolers. The challenge was to try and last at least 5 seconds drinking the water without touching the container; some children managed to drink for as long as 19 seconds! We then played musical statues on the tunes of Enrique Iglesias' songs whilst drooling over the delicious smell of the paella being kindly cooked by Señora Sanz and Mrs Archer. We all shared in this famous dish made of rice, garlic, olive oil, stock, saffron, peas, peppers, chicken, sausages, chorizo and lemons with great appetite and appreciation.
We are grateful to the kitchen and grounds staff for their support behind the scenes to make this event possible.
We look forward to the next paella evening already: olé!
Mme De Haan
Head of Modern Foreign Languages