Remembrance Day

All the pupils and staff of Marlborough House assembled on the terrace for our Act of Remembrance

Mr Newton reflected on the significance of Remembrance and read ‘In Gratitude of Silence’ by Debbie Holick, which was followed by a two-minute silence. Thank you to Phoebe M who played The Last Post beautifully and to our Heads of Houses who laid a wreath and our memorial plaque in the Chapel Garden.

Our Head Girl and Head Boy, Eliza B and Henry L B, represented MHS at the Remembrance Ceremony in Hawkhurst, where they laid a wreath at the War Memorial on behalf of the School.


In Gratitude of Silence
by Debbie Holick

Silent now the soldiers sleep, their tales long laid to rest.
I knew them not yet still I weep and place a poppy o’er my breast.

They were husbands, brothers, fathers, sons; so valiantly they fought.
On shores stained red, on hands and knees; it was our freedom that they sought.

Courageously they stood their ground but freedom carries a cost.
Thousands of men were wounded and countless lives were lost.

So in gratitude of silence and all those who have served,
sleep now, you have earned it. Your peace is well deserved.

Tagged  Prep  Pre-Prep  Nursery