Have you filled a bucket today?

If you are not sure ask Pre-Prep, as this heart-warming guide to daily happiness has captured their imagination and every class now has a bucket that they can add to when they see or do an act of kindness. The book is just one of the stories in their new character education bookcases; the latest addition to the cosy reading area in every Pre-Prep classroom.

The new bookcases are filled with inspiring stories, perfect for developing young characters as well as young minds. Each class also takes part in a weekly worry monster check in and mental health check ins. 

Character Education in Pre-Prep continues to build with these thoughtful classroom touchpoints, delivered alongside each year group’s weekly Jigsaw PSHE sessions, TIM Talks and Assemblies. It’s safe to say that in Pre-Prep, taking the time and space to allow the children to develop and flourish as individuals, whilst feeling happy and secure, is something that we value very highly. 

Mrs Reid, Head of Pre-Prep 

Tagged  Pre-Prep