Year 6 Plays

Just before Half Term, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed performing their Informal plays to their assembled parents and Year 5 children. The remit for these plays was for the children to create their own original versions of a traditional tale – with a twist.

Children from 6DH submitted four really entertaining scripts, each with great potential, so their play was an amalgamation of all these ideas and was called: “Fairy Tale’s Got Talent”. A selection of different and, occasionally quite random acts, competed to win the coveted prize at the end of the competition. We had assorted judges (also doubling as competitors) and great comperes overseeing events which included duelling fashion shows, rock concerts with dastardly deeds behind the scenes in recording studios; we had dancing piggies, a French chanteuse, Shrek and Donkey, magic displays from Mufasa and Simba, a football match between dwarves of different persuasions and nationalities, some singing mice, some intentionally bad musicians and gymnastic and dancing displays! Truly something for everyone!

The children from 6J collaborated to create the fast-paced comedy 'Race Across the Realm', based on an original idea from Annabel J, Imogen M and Sophie P. Four teams of fairytale characters were pitted against each other in a chase across fairyland. Who would get to the finish line first? With committed performances and bags of energy, 6J created a memorable show with lots of laughter and fun for all to enjoy. Well done.

Mrs Atkins and Mr Little

Tagged  Prep