YEar 4 Science and Art Trip to Great Dixter

 Year 4 had an amazing time on their trip to Great Dixter Gardens in June. The children were able to explore the beautiful gardens and learn about the different types of flowers and plants that were there. Around every corner was a riot of splendid colour with every sort and size of flower. 

They were spoilt for choice when they had the opportunity to draw some of the plants and flowers themselves.

The children were also able to participate in some hands-on activities. They created their own designs and turned them into prints.                

Additionally, they made a batter to create elderflower fritters that they fried over a fire they made in the woods. They participated in some woodland craft activities and had an impromptu sing-song under the canopy of trees.

It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining throughout the trip. Year 4 were able to learn so much and have fun at the same time. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to get outside and explore nature. We know that they will continue to enjoy our own beautiful grounds and all that they have to offer.

Mrs Mathers, Year 4 Teacher 

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