Year 5 Trip to Samphire Hoe

Year 5 had a wonderful trip to the coast near Dover last Friday. 

First, they learnt about how the Samphire Hoe nature reserve was first opened in 1997, having been created upon the marl extracted from under the sea when the Channel Tunnel was built.  The main objective was to explore a coastal habitat and the rock pools between Dover and Folkestone.  The children were excellent naturalists and explorers, finding a wide array of shrimps, crabs, periwinkles, whelks, seaweed, fish and an eel.  We also saw a large dogfish (a member of the shark family) swimming around in a large pool. 

They listened exceptionally well to our expert conservation guide and a fabulous, exploratory, curious and sunny time was had by all.

Mr Payne-Cook, Head of Science

Tagged  Prep