Year 6's Art and DT trip to the Royal Pavilion

On arrival at Brighton Pavilion, the Year 6 pupils were surprised to be introduced to ‘Lady Buzzby’, who was staying at the Pavilion as she had been invited to dine with King George IV that evening! 

We were taught about the etiquette that would have been appropriate in the company of the King, including how to greet him (bowing and curtseying), polite conversation, how to stay healthy and clean (including making a refreshing sea-cure from our very own ‘Dr Lucas’), and that on NO account must one ever excuse themselves from the table (even though banquets lasted 5-6 hours) to use the newly installed flushing lavatories!

On touring the beautiful rooms inside the building, the children were particularly drawn to the dining room where was an enormous dragon surmounting the chandelier above a well-stocked dining table. They also liked exploring the kitchen, where they could see the kinds of food that would have been prepared for a banquet. We also saw Queen Victoria’s bedroom which had around 6 mattresses on the bed!

It was a hot day. So many pupils bought themselves an oriental fan before leaving to board the coach back to school!

A big thank you to Mrs Alfrey and Mrs Potter for helping us (Mrs Fields and Mrs Cameron) on the day!

Mrs Fields, Head of Art

Tagged  Prep