Summer Concert and Art Show

On the last Monday of term, we celebrated our Music an Art in a wonderful Summer Concert and Art Show. 

The evening started with parents viewing the wonderful Art Trail which was a colourful and joyful celebration of all the artwork completed this term. This occasion enabled the children to take pride in everything they have learned and achieved over the year, and looking at the progression in the children’s work is always hugely gratifying.

Highlights were the Year 3 ceramic rainforest frogs with their colourful patterns, Year 4’s highly convincing settlement village, Year 5’s still-life paintings, Year 6’s Matisse interiors, Year 7’s Land art wildlife and finally Year 8’s perspective drawings. Huge congratulations to everyone for another year of superb creativity! 

Sadly the heavens then opened but, after a real team effort moving all the equipment for the Summer Concert to the Sports Hall, the pupils were met with rapturous applause and a very supportive audience. The School Orchestra kicked off proceedings with the James Bond Theme Tune before a range of soloists and ensembles took to the stage.

Our Year 8 leavers did us proud with their individual efforts before all coming together at the end for Bohemian Rhapsody, featuring a live band made up of teachers and Zac B. Isobel B wowed the audience when playing the incredibly challenging guitar solo. A huge well done to all involved.

Mrs Fields, Head of Art and Mrs McEwan, Director of Music



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