Years 7 and 8 visit Earth Photo Exhibition

Making the most of a beautiful Autumn day, Year 7 and 8 visited Bedgebury Pinetum to take a look at the Earth Photo Exhibition. 

Earth Photo is an international competition, organised by Forestry England and the Royal Geographical Society, in which photographers document the beauty and fragility of the natural world. 

Having taken inspiration from these stunning shots (please click HERE for an interactive example), the pupils worked in small teams to take their own photos. They used the beautiful autumn colours of Bedgebury to great effect; they should be very proud of the effort that they put in and of the images that they produced. 

As the visit coincided with World Mental Health Day, they took the opportunity to use the calm of the forest to perform some mindfulness exercises. It was a highly enjoyable afternoon out, and we hope to exhibit some of the children’s best photos soon.

Photo taken by Year 7 pupil


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