Year 5's Trip to Richborough Roman Fort

Year 5 students were treated to an immersive History trip to Richborough Roman Fort led by myself and Head of Classics, Mrs Budd.

Richborough Roman Fort is one of the most beautifully preserved and restored remains of a Roman Fort. Richborough is thought to be the site of the first Claudian landing and was home to the largest monumental arch outside of Rome.

Students spent the day in teams, exploring the site, which included a newly built Claudian gate and the remains of shops and even a Roman hotel. Each team were working together to produce an architectural plan for their own fort, inspired by their findings at the site.  Onsite, a visit to the museum and interactive displays really helped the students imagine they were back in Roman Britain.

Having studied Roman Britain in the first half of term, and with an inspiring trip to Richborough under their belt, pupils will start building scale models of their fort designs. This will involve understanding scale, experimenting with ancient building methods and modern model-making techniques.

A fantastic day was had by all, and many thanks to Mrs Potter and Mr Martin for supporting students with a hugely valuable and enriching experience.

Mr Everest, Head of DT

Tagged  Prep