Snapshot Interview with Mrs Mitchell, Head of Science

Did you know that Mrs Mitchell, Head of Science, was an Equine Dentist before she became a teacher! Find out more below

SNapshot interview

What inspired you to be a teacher?

I have always been passionate about helping others; I always strive to achieve goals myself and I enjoy inspiring others to do the same. We are all life-long learners, there is always something we can learn, asking questions and discovering answers helps us grow every day. This acceptance and understanding is something I aim to install into my students.

Tell us about your path into teaching

I have been riding since the age of four, and I love the challenges and dedication required to succeed in the sport. Additionally, I find it incredibly rewarding to nurture another soul. From a young age, I was told that I needed to excel in school, go to university, and pursue a proper career - that horses were merely a waste of time and money and should remain a hobby. I followed my parents' advice all the way to graduation. However, after that, I took a u-turn and decided to pursue a career in equine dentistry. Initially self-employed, I eventually needed additional income, so I utilised my science degree and began supply teaching alongside my work. I found that I really enjoyed teaching, that I could share my knowledge in a way that would inspire others to continue learning to higher levels because they wanted to, not just because they were told they had to. I gained a teaching qualification and teaching eventually became my primary career.

What do you love most about teaching?

I love observing the spark of accomplishment when students achieve their goals, articulate their thoughts, or even when they pose the most peculiar questions due to their genuine thirst for knowledge. All of this combined brings immense satisfaction.

What were you like at school?

In truth, I didn’t enjoy school, I felt that I was a number and not an individual. This is something which I never want my students to feel - each and every one of the children at MHS are seen, heard and valued for who they are and that’s what I love about our school. 

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a housewife who rode my horses every day and lived like Snow White in the forest surrounded by animals and nature. 

What’s the funniest moment you’ve had in a classroom?

Being a science teacher I have had some great fun, often the mispronunciation of scientific terminology!!

What’s the most important lesson you can teach?

Explore everything you can, you don’t know if you like something until you try.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

My proudest moments have been seeing my former students graduate and enter their dream careers.

What are you most excited about at Marlborough House?

I am excited to be playing a part in shaping the children’s futures. I can’t wait to see what they all achieve in the future.

What makes Marlborough House such a special place to be?

Marlborough house has a true family feel. The older and younger children mix meaning they can support and encourage one another. 

Quick-fire questions

School House: Dunbar

Years at MHS: 6 months

Clubs: Equestrian team.

Unusual fact: I am an identical twin. 

Highlight of my day: seeing my daughter skip into school

The book I am reading: The Bridleway which was gifted by one of my lovely scholarship students.

Most memorable moment at MHS: Supporting the MHS riding team at Hickstead!

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