European Day of Languages Bake-Off and Macmillan Coffee Morning

Mme De Haan, Head of MFL, and Mrs MacDonald, Chair of FoMHS, were delighted that this ‘Peace’ themed European Day of Languages Bake-Off competition was the best ever - 44 entries has to be a MHS record!

A huge thank you to all who supported our Macmillan Fundraiser, either by entering a cake into the Bake-Off Competition, coming along to the coffee morning/stall at the Colour Run or by simply donating.

We were absolutely delighted by our £1,001 total and are so grateful for all contributions. The coffee morning was extremely well attended and it was lovely to see the MHS community out in full force. The stand at the Colour Run was very busy and by the end of the afternoon virtually everything was sold out; proof of our wonderful baking talent!

Mrs MacDonald, Chair of FoMHS

With 'Peace' as the EDoL theme this year, we reflected on this ultimate objective and the happiness it brings. The money raised at the Macmillan Coffee morning is testament to the generosity of the MHS family. Parents coming to visit their child's class to share their culture and language is another peace offering and we are grateful to them. Our catering team also rose to the challenge and treated us to delicious, European food all day long: you are fantastic!

Mme De Haan, Head of MFL

Congratulations to our European Day of Languages Bake-Off Winners!

Nursery - Ottilie L

Reception – William, Louis and Thomas J

Year 1 – William S

Year 2 – Georgia and Arabella E-I

Year 3 – Oliver G

Year 4 – Jacobi P

Year 5 – Elizabet B

Year 6 – Eleanor and Arthur T

Year 7 – Arthur C

Year 8 – Anna and Agnes P

 Thank you to the parents who came in to talk to classes about their culture and language.




Tagged  Prep  Pre-Prep  Nursery