Pupil Council Election Results

The results are in!

Having a Pupil Council is an important way to demonstrate British Values and the role of democracy, and we were delighted with the number of nominees we received for the Pupil Council. With so many candidates, it was always going to be a tightly contested race. However, we are pleased to announce the winners of the election and the new Pupil Council members:

Year 3: Agatha S, Mireille F

Year 4: Henry M, Vivien G

Year 5: Rafferty G, Alice B, Henry P

Year 6: Max M, Raife Q, Olivia R

Year 7: Grace V, Finley D, Luella P
Year 8: Emma E, Rafferty P, Toby G

The aim for the year ahead is to plan a social event for all the children at MHS to mark the end of this phase of the school, whilst looking forward to the future. As the year progresses, we may look to extend the group, allowing more pupils involvement in planning this special occasion.

Mr Jensen, Deputy Head


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