Religious Studies at Marlborough House, enables pupils to know and understand the beliefs and practices of Christianity and other major world religions, as well as providing opportunity for individuals to consider and develop their own spirituality.

Drawing by Year 8 pupil for RS project 'Spirited Art'
Through well planned, engaging lessons pupils investigate, discover and learn about a variety of topics, ranging from characters of the Old Testament to Buddhism. In addition, pupils develop an understanding of moral issues and learn to consider how these affect themselves and others. Hand in hand with this, the school’s ‘Values’ are included in discussions relating to ethics and moral codes for life as well as during morning worship in our on-site chapel.
The younger children learn through religious stories and sacred writings. They name and explore a range of celebrations, worships and rituals. The children also reflect and consider religious and spiritual feelings, experiences and concepts such as worship, wonder, praise, thanks, concern, joy and sadness.
Independent learning and research skills are utilised frequently, encouraging discovery and the development of valuable study skills for later life. Our aim is for children to learn about religion and from religion. They are encouraged to form opinions of their own, to appreciate that the ideas and beliefs of others may differ from their own and to extend their knowledge of a specific major world religion.